Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Superflat Worlds
Screenshot 2017-07-06-20-49-37


World Type

First Appearance

Update 0.9.0

Superflat Worlds are a world type that was added in Update 0.9.0. While using this world type, the world will generate flat terrain, and there will be 1 layer of Grass, 2 layers of Dirt, and 1 layer of Bedrock.


  • Since the chunks that are loaded are flat, there is more space for building structures.
  • Flat Worlds automatically set the gamemode to Creative.


  • It cannot be played in Survival Mode, because the only resources that can be collected are those from animals.
  • Generated structures (e.g. Villages, Dungeons) cannot generate here.
  • Since it generates only 3 blocks high above Bedrock level, the world itself is not very good for building maps that require, for example, deep pools or underground caves.